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Related entries of code: 5naw
Entries with 90% protein sequence similarity cutoff in PDBbind
PDB CodeCheck DatabaseProtein Sequence Similarity
1bioRCSB PDB    PDBbind228aa, >1BIO_1|Chain... at 100%
5fbeRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >5FBE_1|Chain... at 99%
5fbiRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >5FBI_1|Chain... at 99%
5fckRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >5FCK_1|Chain... at 99%
5mt0RCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >5MT0_1|Chain... at 99%
5mt4RCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >5MT4_1|Chain... at 99%
5narRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >5NAR_1|Chain... at 99%
5nb6RCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >5NB6_1|Chain... at 99%
5nb7RCSB PDB    PDBbind230aa, >5NB7_1|Chain... at 100%
5nbaRCSB PDB    PDBbind230aa, >5NBA_1|Chain... at 100%
5tcaRCSB PDB    PDBbind228aa, >5TCA_1|Chains... at 100%
5tccRCSB PDB    PDBbind228aa, >5TCC_1|Chains... at 100%
6ftyRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >6FTY_1|Chain... at 99%
6ftzRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >6FTZ_1|Chain... at 99%
6fugRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >6FUG_1|Chains... at 99%
6fuhRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >6FUH_1|Chain... at 99%
6fuiRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >6FUI_1|Chain... at 99%
6fujRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >6FUJ_1|Chains... at 99%
6futRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >6FUT_1|Chain... at 99%
6qmtRCSB PDB    PDBbind254aa, >6QMT_1|Chains... at 100%
6qmrRCSB PDB    PDBbind254aa, >6QMR_1|Chains... *
5natRCSB PDB    PDBbind232aa, >5NAT_1|Chain... at 99%
Complexes with the same small molecule ligand
PDB CodeCheck DatabaseLigand Name
No complexes with the same small molecule ligand are found!

Entry Information
PDB ID5naw
Complex TypeProtein-Ligand
PDBbind Subsetgeneral set
Protein NameComplement factor D
Ligand Name8RZ
EC.Number E.C.
Resolution 1.25(Å)
Affinity (Kd/Ki/IC50)IC50=0.05uM
Release Year2017
Protein/NA SequenceCheck fasta file
Primary Reference (2017) J. Med. Chem. Vol. 60: pp. 5717-5735
Ligand Properties
Formula C23H20F3N5O4
Molecular Weight 487.431
Exact Mass 487.147
No. of atoms 55
No. of bonds 59
Polar Surface Area 118.69
LOGP Value 3.20      (Computed with XLOGP3)
4.88      (Computed with Open Babel)
Drug likeness No. of Hydrogen Bond Donors: 3
No. of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors: 3
No. of Rotatable Bonds: 8
No. of Nitrogen and Oxygen Atoms: 9
No. of Rings: 5
Canonical SMILES
InChI String

Links to External Databases
RCSB PDBThe mother database
PDBsumEnhanced annotations on PDB entries
PubchemComprehensive collection of chemical and biological data
UniProtKB ACUniProt accession number (AC): P00746  
Entrez Gene IDNCBI Entrez Gene ID: 1675  
ASDInformation of known allosteric effects of PDB entries

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