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Related entries of code: 4zqt
Entries with 90% protein sequence similarity cutoff in PDBbind
PDB CodeCheck DatabaseProtein Sequence Similarity
3ebhRCSB PDB    PDBbind889aa, >3EBH_1|Chain... at 100%
3ebiRCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >3EBI_1|Chain... at 100%
3q43RCSB PDB    PDBbind891aa, >3Q43_1|Chain... at 99%
3q44RCSB PDB    PDBbind891aa, >3Q44_1|Chain... at 99%
3t8vRCSB PDB    PDBbind895aa, >3T8V_1|Chain... at 99%
4k5lRCSB PDB    PDBbind898aa, >4K5L_1|Chain... at 99%
4k5mRCSB PDB    PDBbind898aa, >4K5M_1|Chain... at 99%
4k5nRCSB PDB    PDBbind895aa, >4K5N_1|Chain... at 99%
4k5oRCSB PDB    PDBbind895aa, >4K5O_1|Chain... at 99%
4k5pRCSB PDB    PDBbind895aa, >4K5P_1|Chain... at 99%
4r5tRCSB PDB    PDBbind896aa, >4R5T_1|Chain... at 99%
4r5vRCSB PDB    PDBbind895aa, >4R5V_1|Chain... at 99%
4r5xRCSB PDB    PDBbind903aa, >4R5X_1|Chain... *
4zw3RCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >4ZW3_1|Chain... at 100%
4zw5RCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >4ZW5_1|Chain... at 100%
4zw6RCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >4ZW6_1|Chain... at 100%
4zw7RCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >4ZW7_1|Chain... at 100%
4zw8RCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >4ZW8_1|Chain... at 100%
4zx3RCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >4ZX3_1|Chain... at 100%
4zx4RCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >4ZX4_1|Chain... at 100%
4zx5RCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >4ZX5_1|Chain... at 100%
4zx6RCSB PDB    PDBbind890aa, >4ZX6_1|Chain... at 100%
6ea1RCSB PDB    PDBbind889aa, >6EA1_1|Chain... at 100%
6ea2RCSB PDB    PDBbind889aa, >6EA2_1|Chain... at 100%
6eaaRCSB PDB    PDBbind889aa, >6EAA_1|Chain... at 100%
6eabRCSB PDB    PDBbind889aa, >6EAB_1|Chain... at 100%
6ee3RCSB PDB    PDBbind889aa, >6EE3_1|Chain... at 100%
6ee4RCSB PDB    PDBbind889aa, >6EE4_1|Chain... at 100%
6ee6RCSB PDB    PDBbind889aa, >6EE6_1|Chain... at 100%
6eedRCSB PDB    PDBbind889aa, >6EED_1|Chain... at 100%
Complexes with the same small molecule ligand
PDB CodeCheck DatabaseLigand Name
No complexes with the same small molecule ligand are found!

Entry Information
PDB ID4zqt
Complex TypeProtein-Ligand
PDBbind Subsetgeneral set
Protein NameM1 family aminopeptidase, PfA-M1
Ligand Name4QP
EC.Number E.C.3.4.11.-
Resolution 1.98(Å)
Affinity (Kd/Ki/IC50)Ki=2.3uM
Release Year2015
Protein/NA SequenceCheck fasta file
Primary Reference (2015) Plos One Vol. 10: pp. 1-16
Ligand Properties
Formula C14H24NO4P
Molecular Weight 301.318
Exact Mass 301.144
No. of atoms 44
No. of bonds 44
Polar Surface Area 118.99
LOGP Value -0.37      (Computed with XLOGP3)
1.51      (Computed with Open Babel)
Drug likeness No. of Hydrogen Bond Donors: 1
No. of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors: 4
No. of Rotatable Bonds: 6
No. of Nitrogen and Oxygen Atoms: 5
No. of Rings: 1
Canonical SMILES
InChI String

Links to External Databases
RCSB PDBThe mother database
PDBsumEnhanced annotations on PDB entries
PubchemComprehensive collection of chemical and biological data
UniProtKB ACUniProt accession number (AC): Q8IEK1  
Entrez Gene IDNCBI Entrez Gene ID: 813945  
ASDInformation of known allosteric effects of PDB entries

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